Texas Counties Deliver – learn how county government serves you


  • The public's right to know is vital to an accountable, citizen centered government.  Government Code 552 (Texas Public Information Act) delegates the County's obligations to comply with a public information request.  The Act is triggered by a written request to a governmental body (the county).

    Upton County makes every effort to keep its citizens informed.  To make a public information request, an individual must forward a written request to the following office:

    Upton County Commissioners' Court, P.O. Box 482, Rankin, Texas 79778, (432)693-2321 ext. 2                    cquigg@co.upton.tx.us                                                                                                                  

    The request must include enough description and detail of the requested information so the County can accurately identify and locate the requested items.  The County may access a reasonable charge for copies and under certain circumstances for access to the requested information.

    Additional information on the Texas Public Information Act can be found on the Attorney General's website: https://www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/open/


  • HWY 67 Independence Celebration, July 4th and 5th, featuring an exciting lineup

    Upton County and AEROCARE have partnered for the benefit of the residents of Upton County for those transported by AeroCare from Upton County or any of the immediate adjacent counties.  

    Patients who are insured at the time of transport will have NO OUT OF POCKET EXPENSE FOR THE FLIGHT! (We bill your Insurance provider(s) and whatever they pay is considered payment in full).  Patients who are not insured at time of transport will be billed at the Medicare Allowable Rate for the transport.  Additionally, we are proud to announce that with this partnership between AeroCare and YOUR Upton County Commissioners' Court,

    EVERY COUNTY RESIDENT has the ability to UPGRADE TODAY to a full membership for only $35/yr for the ENTIRE household!
    FOR QUESTIONS OR TO LEARN HOW TO UPRGRADE, CALL WES SCHOLZ at 432/614-7698 or email wesley.scholz@amgh.us



    Rankin Facilities

    Contact Deana Goff


    Tommy Workman Pavillion

    US Hwy 67

    Dub Day Arena Pavillion

    1101-1117 S. Hwy 329

    Rankin Park Building

    310 East 10th


    McCamey Facilities                                                                                                                                         Contact Alma Martinez                                                                                                                                        432/652-8892

    McCamey Park Building / Kitchen                                                                                                                   212 west 7th

    Dunbar Building / Kitchen                                                                                                                                    300 N. Johns Ave

    McCamey 4-H Building                                                                                                                                        18001 West Hwy 67


    Rankin Swimming Pool / McCamey Swimming Pool                                                                                        Contact: Joanne Gomez                                                                                                                                  432/301-8547   

    12:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M.





  • Rankin Public Library

    310 East 10th, Rankin, Texas                                                                                                                                432/693-2881

    Ceila Hooker, Librarian

    Email: rplceila@yahoo.com

    Website: http://rankin.ploud.net


    McCamey Public Library

    212 West 7th, McCamey, Texas                                                                                                                          432/652-8717

    Mary Glenn, Librarian

    Email: mcclb@yahoo.com

    Website: http://mccamey.ploud.net


    Midkiff Public Library

    12701 RM-2401, Midkiff, Texas                                                                                                                         

    Debbie Brookins, Librarian